The pilots can transmit their view of the battlefield from their "infrared targeting sensor" to the Forward Air Controller on the ground, who receives it on his laptop "Rover". This enables close coordination and positive& ...
tactical airpower
Sierra Hotel: Flying Air Force Fighters in the Decade After Vietnam, by C.R. Anderegg, covers the history of tactical air power (particularly fighter aircraft) from the Vietnam War until the early 1980s and beyond. Sierra Hotel& ...
The development of tactical air support doctrine within the RAF in Britain during the Second World War has been largely ignored by historians until very recently. The topic forms a large component of David Ian Hall`s work& ...
United States Air Force Tactical Air Command (TAC) documentary showing various aircraft used by the USAF to provide tactical support and air superiority in c… This entry was posted in Tactical, Videos by admin. Bookmark& ...
The pilots can transmit their view of the battlefield from their "infrared targeting sensor" to the Forward Air Controller on the ground, who receives it on his laptop "Rover". This enables close coordination and positive& ...
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